Top Of The Week

What makes a song plagiarized?

Plagiarism is the legal term for copying the creative work of another person or entity and posing as original material. A ...

What is the hardest part of a song to write?

This is the real answer to solving songwriting blocks (although the rest of the tips here do help). Writing by sheer...

How do 12 year olds write songs?

Before continuing with the next two steps, keep in mind that the chorus and verses are not entirely necessary for...

What is the first step in writing a song?

The first step in writing a song is to have an idea. This can be as simple as a melodic line or chord progression, or it...

Is it hard to write your own songs?

Since the 1960s, artists have been putting more pressure on them to write their own material. The publishing industry is...

What should you write first when writing a song?

For your first song, I recommend starting with a song that you are passionate about or that makes you feel something....

Recent Posts

What to do when you can't write a song?

What to do when you can't write a song?

You haven't studied enough the basics of your instrument. If you're looking for a piece of equipment or a new studio toy...

Recent Post

What are the steps to writing your own song?

Whether you want to write a song for presentation to music publishers, television shows and commercials, or record it...

What are the rules of song writing?

It follows a family structure · 2.Keep a coherent chorus · 4.Make the chorus big · 5.Keep the same pace · 6.If you...

How do you write a song if you can't sing?

Improvise a melody starting with a note in your mid-range, one that is usually reliable. Sing that note over and over...

How hard is writing a song?

But if you want to write a truly memorable song, you need rare, hard-earned talent. The things you start writing can be...

When writing a song what do you do first?

First, you must create a short and concise sentence that describes what you want to COMMUNICATE in each section of the...

How can i tell if a song is plagiarized?

Load the song project into your DAW and change the tone. Depending on what you're mixing, you may need to use an add-on.

Why am i having a hard time writing a song?

Lyrics are often the writer's main frustration. If you're a good musician but can't put a sentence together, it can be...

What are the rules to write a song?

It follows a family structure · 2.Keep a coherent chorus · 4.Make the chorus big · 5.Keep the same pace · 6.Now that...

Editors Picks

What is the order to write a song?

What is the order to write a song?

This is known as the ABABCB structure, where A is the verse, B is the chorus and C is the bridge. Whether you want to...

How do you properly write a song?

How do you properly write a song?

While it is true that there are many songs that use the same four-chord progression at all times, my personal...

How do you write a song when you dont know what to write about?

How do you write a song when you dont know what to write about?

Start by asking yourself what you want to say about your title and what you think your listeners will want to know. While ...

How can a kid write a song?

How can a kid write a song?

Before continuing with the next two steps, keep in mind that the chorus and verses are not entirely necessary for...

Is it difficult to write a song?

Is it difficult to write a song?

But writing a good song is notoriously difficult. After all, professional songwriters spend their entire careers pursuing ...

Is writing your own music hard?

Is writing your own music hard?

Writing a song is more difficult than it seems: it takes some skills, but with determination, you can get by surprisingly ...